Partnerships for Prevention and Sustaining Peace
The scourge of violent extremism and the rise of cultural and religious-based discrimination and xenophobia are among the world’s most critical challenges. There is a pressing need to re-commit to interreligious and inter-cultural dialogue and to promote tolerance, diversity and a culture of peace.
The 8th UNAOC Global Forum will bring together key international actors from diverse fields to build productive partnerships and networks.
Under the leadership of the UNAOC, participants will explore innovative methods to promote inclusive approaches to conflict prevention and sustaining peace, as they share expertise and good practices.
Joint Statement of the Co-Sponsors of UNAOC, Spain and Turkey
Joint Statement of the Co-Sponsors of UNAOC, Spain and Turkey At UNAOC 8th Global Forum Turkey and Spain as the co-sponsors of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) profoundly appreciate the sincere and strong support of the Secretary General to this...
read more8th UNAOC Global Forum – Highlights
Opening Session
19 November 2018, 10:00-11:00, United Nations Headquarters, New York
Plenary Session 1
“Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue: A Tool for Conflict Prevention and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding”
Youth Event
PLURAL+ Ceremony
Youth Video Festival on Migration, Diversity, and Social Inclusion
Ministerial Meeting
UNAOC Group of Friends Meeting, Ministerial Level
Plenary Session 2
“Words Matter: The Role and Responsibility of the Media in Shaping PublicPerceptions about Migrants and in Promoting Inclusive Societies”
Breakout Session 1
“Digital Diplomacy : Online Citizen Engagement and Social Media Platforms as Mechanisms for Prevention & Countering Online Hate Speech”
Breakout Session 2
“Strengthening the Leadership, Inclusion and Visibility of Women in Sustaining Peace Processes”
Breakout Session 3
“Partnerships that Work: Leveraging the Private Sector and Civil Society in Peacebuilding Efforts”
Breakout Session 4
“Many Cultures, One Humanity: The Role & Responsibility of Religious Leaders and FBOs in Building Peaceful and Inclusive Societies”
Breakout Session 5
“Global Citizenship Education”
Breakout Session 6
“The Silk Road: A Route to Peace?”
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8th UNAOC Global Forum