KEY DOCUMENTS Background Information Concept Note About the Forum Provisional Programme (as of 16 November 2018) Logistical Note Logistical Details Concept Notes: Plenaries Plenary Session 1: "Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue: A Tool for Conflict Prevention and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding" Plenary Session 2: “Words Matter: The Role and Responsibility of the Media in Shaping Public Perceptions about Migrants and in Promoting Inclusive Societies” Concept Notes: Breakout Sessions Breakout Session 1: “Digital Diplomacy: Online Citizen Engagement and Social Media Platforms as Mechanisms for Prevention and Countering Online Hate Speech” Breakout Session 2: “Strengthening the Leadership, Inclusivity and Visibility of Women in Sustaining Peace Process” Breakout Session 3: “Partnerships that Work: Leveraging the Private Sector and Civil Society in Peacebuilding Efforts” Breakout Session 4: “Many Cultures, One Humanity: The Role and Responsibility of Religious Leaders and FBOs in Building Peaceful and Inclusive Societies” Breakout Session 5: “Global Citizenship Education” Breakout Session 6: “Silk Road: A Route to Peace?” HOME } AGENDA w SOCIAL CONTACT